More diversity seen over the Mountain under sunny skies.

Greetings all,

Wow, three sunny days in a row and warmer temps…can spring be really here. Still looking for that south wind day on the mountain but at least now there is a steady flow of migrants. Bald Eagles are coming through in good numbers with 178 cumulative for the last four days along with 16 Golden Eagles. New to the count for the year seen yesterday were Sharp-shinned Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk and Merlin.


The first surprise of the day yesterday was when I climbed the last hill on the snowmobile to reach West Bluff first thing in the morning. A bulky white bird flew over the trail and to my right and out of view. By the time I stopped and removed my helmut, it was nowhere to be seen but the bird was quite obviously a Snowy Owl. It did not reappear during the day but maybe it is still around somewhere. Other new non-raptors for the spring were Killdeer (2) and Canada Goose, the latter a group of nine that was harassed for several minutes by a marauding Golden Eagle!



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