Obstructed Viewing

The last week has been a case study in obstructed viewing with fog, rain, sleet, and snow all forcing the count to end early or not happen at all.


The weather has also effectively shut down the raptors, with only one day this week (3/29) having any sort of a flight. That day did feature the first Red-shouldered and Sharp-shinned Hawks of the season, along with 26 Bald Eagles and 10 Red-tailed Hawks.


Migration in general has been limping along, the south winds midweek did bring in the first American Woodcock, Canada Geese,  Mallard, Northern Flicker,  Golden-crowned Kinglet, Juncos, Song Sparrows, Common Grackle, and a near record early Western Meadowlark (3/30-per Binford’s book it just missed the record set back on 3/27/1973).

Winter birds are still bumming around,  most notable being the the White-throated and Harris’s Sparrow that have successful over-wintered at Cherri’s feeders here in town. A Northern Shrike continues to make occasional appearances on Brockway, Hoary and Common Redpoll have been reported in town, and flocks of Bohemian Waxwings are still passing through.


Brockway drive hasn’t opened up much, I wouldn’t recommend trying it in a vehicle for another couple weeks (judging from the tire tracks and ruts going off the road, someone tried to drive up today and failed).

Ending this post on a cold note, here’s some attractive looking ice:


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