May at Last (is it spring yet?)
The weather of late has been less than ideal. North winds have dominated eight out of the last nine days along with snow, sleet, rain, and fog. Below are some photos from the last batch of rain/snow to hit the mountain.
May 3rd featured the only south winds and flight of the period with 822 raptors for the day, including 535 Broad-winged Hawks, 100 Red-tailed Hawks, 82 Sharp-shinned Hawks, 2 Northern Goshawks, and 4 Golden Eagles. No other day during this period broke 100 birds. Usually the first south wind in May brings some of the largest flights of the season but the persistent northerly winds have kept things quiet this season.
Other birds around in the last week or so include Am. White Pelican, Trumpeter Swan, Greater Yellowlegs, Palm Warbler, Lincoln’s, Chipping, and Le Conte’s Sparrow.