Spring creeps slowly into the Keweenaw

Hi Friends,

Well even with this continued late-winter type weather we have been experiencing (and more to come if the weather man is correct), there have been definite signs of spring migration in recent days. The hawk watch diversity has increased noticeably with Harrier, Osprey, Kestrel and Peregrine all added to the species list in the past week. Turkey Vultures and Red-tails have taken over from Bald Eagles as the dominant raptors seen from the mountain in the last couple of days, although we did have our largest eagle day of the season this past week with 91 seen on the 14th. Golden Eagles continue, if not quite daily now; one of the pleasant surprises of this late spring, with our tally now up to 48.

Other arrivals to the area the last week have included Common Loon, Cormorant, Flicker, Sapsucker, Hermit Thrush, Pipit, both Kinglet species, Phoebe, Yellow-rumped Warbler and Woodcock. Sandhill Cranes are seen just about daily now and vocalizing Merlins are settling into traditional breeding areas and are particularly noticeable around town right now.

A word of caution to those who have a yen to get to the mountain or who are just curious, the road is nowhere near being open. Even the open area at the very top is still mainly snow-covered. We need a good warm rain-storm to open things up, I think.


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