Its Still Winter
Here in the north March is the season of ice and snow, and this year it seems especially true. Nearly two weeks into the spring 2017 season and winter’s icy grip is still holding the tip of the Keweenaw in its cold clutches. North winds and snow/sleet/fog has kept the flight slow, with only four species of raptor recorded thus far in the season. Of those four, Bald Eagle is the only one breaking the single digits with 51 recorded for the season. Red-tailed Hawk arrived on the 28th, while Rough-legged arrived on the 24th with a westbound bird. The first Golden Eagle went east on the 19th and two more went past today. Overall this is well below the past couple of seasons, finger crossed spring arrives soon and brings southwinds and raptors.
Below are some pictures of ice and snow and fog, and the Red-bellied Woodpecker that has over-wintered in town.